
Sprinkles & Swirls was born from a love of seeing the sheer pleasure people enjoy eating my homemade cakes.

The emphasis for me is on the homemade, I don't work with fondant, my cakes are very simply homemade. I want my cakes and bakes to be reminiscent of those you grew up with from the scones that were baked just in time for visitors, the soda bread that sat on the tea time table, and the cupcakes that adorned the table for every birthday party the family kitchen hosted.

For many years I have been encouraged to sell my homemade fayre, but, with small children, a busy home and a lack of confidence I have always shifted the idea to the back burner. However, the time was never right; however, life is short and I am no longer putting off until tomorrow what I can do today.

There have been lots of highs and lows in the cake world for me. Family life does take over sometimes as I am also a carer, a wife and a mother, however, I always return to the kitchen as I genuinely enjoy what I do. The rising costs of everything have made baking a challenge. I have always strived to have my cakes affordable whilst using the best quality ingredients. This is a challenge in the current climate.
When I'm not in my own kitchen, you can meet me in Zaeire Artisan Chocolate shop where I work for Leigh baking treats for the customers and packing the wonderful array of delectable chocolate goodies she produces. It is a pleasure to work in what is a treasure trove of loveliness. Do pop by and say hello!
